Projecte trilingüe 2014-2015
Al Col·legi Sant Josep apostem per un model trilingüe perquè creiem que les llengües són portes d’obertura al món. Per això, volem que l’alumnat assoleixi …
Activitats, notícies i documents amb anglès relatius al Col·legi Sant Josep
Al Col·legi Sant Josep apostem per un model trilingüe perquè creiem que les llengües són portes d’obertura al món. Per això, volem que l’alumnat assoleixi …
CELEBRATING SAINT GEORGE’S DAY IN ENGLISH TOO! On the 23rd of April the students in our school celebrated Saint George´s day with different activities. Literary …
Next, you will be able to download a PDF file that contains the wordings and their right answers and also the auditions of the listening …
NATHAN’S FAREWELL Last Friday 14th April the children of pre-school age made some special drawings and celebrated a party to demonstrate Nathan their gratitude for …
Cultural talk: Thursday 6th February “HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS” Among all the new activities the English department is preparing for this school year, we want …
Conversation Assistants 2014 (January-June) It is the first year that Collegi Sant Josep in Sant Sadurní d’Anoia takes part in FCC´s Conversation Assistants program. …
IMPROVING OUR ENGLISH SPEAKING SKILLS She is Reena From Birmingham, the United Kingdom, and he is Nathan from Dallas (Texas), the USA. This year they …