She is Reena From Birmingham, the United Kingdom, and he is Nathan from Dallas (Texas), the USA. This year they are going to become part of our English Department. They will be linving in different students homes and their presences in our school means that our pupils, teachers and school staff will be in touch with a new culture and with the live English language, not only the English that appears in the textbooks.

Our challenge is to improve the learning process of English language by providing the students the possibility of holding real conversations encouraging them to speak and interact with native speakers.

The host programme is developed at the same time as other initiatives such as “Learning about your-self” in Pre-primary 3 and Pre-primary 4, and Scieence in Primary 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

We do believe that creating these programs and implementing lots of new ideas we have for the nearest future, our students will obtaing a higher and cross-cutting level in English.

Nathan-Reena 2013